Become a Successful Freelancer in 5 weeks
The Freelancing Program is a video course, community, and group coaching experience that has taught over 900 freelancers how to build successful and scalable businesses from their passions.
Unlike other business courses, it’s not up to you to learn and implement these tactics on your own — you’ll be able to crowd source your business decisions with a community of like-minded business owners, as well as Jamie and his team… Leaving you with a whole new understanding of what’s possible for a freelancer in today’s market.
Stop Wasting Time on the Wrong Strategies.
Finally Start Building a Business that Generates Predictable Revenue.
Have you wanted to start freelancing, but are not sure how to take the first step?
Are you overwhelmed choosing from all the contradicting advice on the internet, and all the possible paths you could choose?
Have you started freelancing, but now feel stuck making less than you want?
Are you working all the time, but for some reason not feeling the benefit of that effort in your bank account?
Do you have plenty of ideas of how to grow, but struggle to choose the right tactics to try?
Have you tried idea after idea to grow your business, only to see months/years go by with no results?
What our 900+ Freelancing Program Members are Saying...

Emelie Sanders
I started a brand new freelancing business and joined the Freelancing Program within the same week. 3 months later,
I already make enough to leave my full time job and support my family as a single mom of 4 kids.

Charles Canaan, @simplygoldprod
For years I was doing freelance video as an artist, and not running my company as a business. I was tired and burned out.
After taking the freelancing program with Jamie, I quickly became more comfortable talking about money and budgets with my clients, and also acquired a better understanding of how to better collaborate with them. The most important thing was that I was now properly valuing my work. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to level up as a Creative and grown their business.

Roxy & Matt, @wooden_wave
Jamie provides actionable advice and strategic tools to grow your business. He gave us the confidence to charge more for our services, which covered the cost of this course in one client project.
The course clearly demonstrates its value, and we haven't even watched half of the videos yet! Don't hesitate to invest in yourself by taking this course and most importantly, implementing what Jamie teaches.
The clarity you need to finally start seeing massive results from your efforts
If you’re a freelancer reading this, chances are you’ve struggled with one or more (or all!) of these:
Finding leads
Pricing your solutions
Inconsistent Income
Scalability Issues
You know you’re meant to have a successful business. You know there are solutions to these problems, but all the advice on the internet is pointing you in different directions and you want something that’s just going to work for you…
The Accountability You’ve Needed
Maybe you’ve tried to do this on your own.
But every time you see a little growth, you hit a roadblock… or you get busy with client work and then completely ignore your business until the next dry spell.
You have no problem doing all the right things for your clients and working long hours for THEIR deadlines… but when it comes to YOUR goals, you don’t know where to start or have a hard time staying consistent with your efforts.
The Freelancing Program solves this problem. You build your business alongside hundreds of other freelancers who are all sharing what’s working for them with you. You attend weekly LIVE workshops with Jamie and discuss how certain strategies are playing out in your business. You are given ACTION ITEMS at the end of each lesson in the course to implement weekly to achieve your goals.
This creates accountability like you’ve never seen before in your business.
Stop Overcomplicating
Your Success
Because of the endless amount of content available on social media, most freelancers trying to grow their businesses are trying too many things at once (or are paralyzed with indecision and not doing anything).
You just need a few SIMPLE processes that manage the 3 main pillars of a successful freelance business:
- Marketing (converting strangers into leads)
- Sales (converting those leads into customers)
- Fulfillment (converting those customers into LIFETIME customers)
The Freelancing Program video course has 9 modules that get straight to the point, delivering actionable steps to optimize each of these pillars. Oftentimes, what’s required for these pillars is unique to each business — which is why we host Live meetups every week in The Freelancing Program to apply your learnings to YOUR business.
You’ll be able to ask the questions and get the answers you need THIS WEEK about growing your business.

Overcome Your Freelancing Obstacles
If you’re reading this, it’s fair to assume you haven’t achieved the success with freelancing that you’ve envisioned for yourself. Or you’ve hit a plateau.
Many freelancers develop some bad habits when they start, and these habits become major obstacles when it comes time to grow their business:
Bad Habit #1
Not diversifying lead generation
If you’re reliant on referrals (or job markets) to get new clients, then you don’t have a reliable lead generation engine
Bad Habit #2
Not diversifying income
If you don’t have income that works without you, then you own a JOB, not a BUSINESS
Bad Habit #3
Not creating new offers for past clients
If you have to find more clients anytime you want to make more money, you don’t have a scalable business
The course, community, and LIVE group coaching sessions are all designed to give you the insights you need to overcome these obstacles and get on the path to success.
Stop waiting for the “right” time to start building something for yourself
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago — the second best time is today. You might think it’s too late to start growing in a meaningful way, it’s not. A lot of the results you’re looking for are just on the other side of a few months of intentional work. Once you understand what needs to be done, then the game is simply about consistently showing up for your business.

Stop wasting valuable time on the wrong strategies
Rather than guessing at what needs to be done each day to achieve your goals, or applying overcomplicated advice from every corner of the internet, learn exactly what needs to be done at the daily level to achieve your goals. You could learn this on your own over the next several years of trial and error, or you could learn it in 5 weeks in The Freelancing Program.
Stop going at this alone
You don’t need to have all the ideas and all the answers… let the community, Jamie, and his team all act as your co-CEO as you go on this journey! Take advantage of this and crowd source your business strategy & decision making.

Build an asset that you own and benefit from for the rest of your life
You got into freelancing to build something for yourself; to never let someone else determine when it’s time for you to make more money or take on more responsibility. If you do it correctly, your freelance business can be something that provides consistently for you and your family (without the drama!).
Members of The Freelancing Program have applied what they’ve learned in the course, the Freelancing Community, and coaching sessions with Jamie to add up to six figures to their income, quit their full time jobs, increase their project fees, and scale their businesses! Whatever your goal is, Jamie and his team will make it their mission to help you get there.

Ready to get to it?
Here’s a full overview of what you’ll have access to when you join The Freelancing Program:
The Course
The course is a 9 Module masterclass (delivered over 5 weeks) designed to meet you where you are and take you to a successful & scalable freelance business by teaching you:
- How to make your clients more valuable
- Lead generation
- Pricing strategies
- How to build new offers
- Social Media for freelancers
- Digital Products
- Subcontracting
- and much, much more!
(we’ve been advised that the course portion alone should cost thousands of dollars, but we want to make this information as accessible as possible!)
The Community
The community is where you can crowd source your strategy:
- Get ideas from your fellow freelancers based on what’s working in their businesses
- Ask questions about tactics from the course
- Network with complementary freelancers
- Share your wins to inspire others
- Compete in monthly challenges to win prizes like a 1:1 coaching session with Jamie (normally $750)
Who said freelancing had to be a solitary endeavor??
The Group Coaching “Meetups”
Freelancers today have access to all the information they could ever need about business on social media, so why aren’t they all incredibly successful? Because the exact path to take is unique to each business.
This is why we host LIVE meetups every week in The Freelancing Program — to apply what you’re learning to YOUR business.
You’ll be able to ask the questions and get the answers you need THIS WEEK about growing your business.
The Materials
Each module in the course comes with additional materials to make your task even simpler:
- The Freelancer Notion Template ($75 value): use to organize projects, leads, and follow up
- Sales Call Landing Manual: a practical guide to the perfect, real-world sales call
- Live Budget Scorecard: calculate how much you should charge in REAL TIME on a sales call
- Build an Offer Worksheet: to help you identify new offers for past clients and more!
Interviews with Thought Leaders
View hour-long interviews with subject matter experts throughout the course:
- Nick Dinsmoor: COO of Reel Axis agency (and client of Jamie’s) discusses what he looks for when hiring a freelancer, and the future of freelancing
- Nicholas Cole: Million dollar agency owner and godfather of social media thought leadership discusses the value of designing your own category as a freelancer
- Alex Oumm: Legal expert breaks down all you need to know about protecting your freelance business with filings and contracts
- Rich Webster: Productivity expert and Agency owner details the tools and processes you can use to maximize your time as an independent operator
Stop Strategizing and Start Doing
There comes a moment when it’s time to just get out there and get it done.
You’ll learn more in 5 weeks of doing than you would in 5 months of planning.
The Freelancing Program is built on this principle. The course, the community, the coaching, and the bonus materials all work together to get you doing what needs to be done in order to realize the goals you have for your business.
We’re all excited to see you in there, let’s get to work!

About Jamie
I’ve been freelancing for 16 years, and in that time I’ve had the privilege to work with clients ranging from local mom and pop restaurants, to Fortune 500 companies like Google, Hillshire, Netflix, and Lionsgate. I only name drop so you know the stuff I have to teach you isn’t theory, it’s been learned and tested out in the real world. 3 years ago, I began producing social media content for my fellow freelancers on TikTok and Instagram, and now between those two platforms, I’m helping over 500k freelancers everyday with practical tips. And yes, my wife and I are still out there doing proper client work every month.
I’m genuinely excited to help you get the most out of your business with this program, please let me know if you have any questions at all, you can find me on Instagram and TikTok: @TheJamieBrindle
Additional Testimonials
Still on the fence? Take a look at what other freelancers in the program are saying about their results.