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The Freelancing Program:
Reliable and scalable freelance income in
60 days or less.

by Jamie Brindle

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Read more about the program below:


If you want to build your own lead generation engine, always get paid what you’re worth, and evolve your business into something that’s scaleable without you, then you’re ready for The Freelancing Program.

I want to take the “luck” factor out of whatever freelancing success means to you.

The point of this program is that I’m here with you, with my experience and the experience of my peers who have been through this process.


When I started freelancing, $800 a month was a great month. I was willing to give up weekends for $1,000 a month. Now, my wife and I work less than most of our friends with corporate gigs, and we are usually somewhere between $30k and $50k a month.


I still work a lot, but I like working. If your goal is to work less, and you don’t need to be making $30k or $50k a month, then this program will get you there as well.

What can you access in this program

The Community

Here you can crowdsource your business by asking myself and your fellow freelancers anything you’d like. Have a new service you’re thinking of offering? Fine tune it with us. Concerned about a new client development? Post a screen shot of the email in the community and ask how others would respond.


Work with Jamie

Bring your real world scenarios to the bi-weekly group coaching calls where my guests and I will help you strategize.


Learn from the Pro

Access to over 6 hours of video masterclasses developed to show you how to grow fast (see the itinerary below to get an overview of what’s covered in each module)


Bonus Material

Additionally we have tons of bonus material like the Project Management Notion Template, Sales Call Landing Manual (a community favorite!), Email Templates, worksheets, exclusive interviews, and a bonus Legal Module!


“Finally, a real-world approach to designing a freelance operation that’s scalable!”

What’s in the course

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Results are based on individual experiences and results will vary. Similar success is not guaranteed. 
Results are based on individual experiences and results will vary. Similar success is not guaranteed. 
Results are based on individual experiences and results will vary. Similar success is not guaranteed. 

Benefits of joining this Freelancing Program

Benefit 01

Never wonder where the next job's coming from again

The number 1 question I’ve gotten from thousands of freelancers is “how do I get more work?” Answering that question in a practical manner was a major part of the design of this program. In the course, we spend several modules building a lead generation engine that diversifies your lead sources and (eventually) runs on its own. We also create a process that nearly guarantees repeat business.


Benefit 02

Become a business owner, not an employee for rent

Your job isn’t client work, your job is growing your business. This program will allow you to master the 3 categories of business ownership: marketing, sales, and fulfillment (client work plays a role in each of these, for sure, but it’s far less than most freelancers care to admit).


Benefit 03

Make more money, quickly

I designed this with the hopes that you make your investment back after the first module, and then from there make more money freelancing than you ever have. Based on the comments we’ve seen in the Wins section in the community (some of which are featured on this page), I think we’ve accomplished that mission.


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About Jamie

I’ve been freelancing for 16 years, and in that time I’ve had the privilege to work with clients ranging from local mom and pop restaurants, to Fortune 500 companies like Google, Hillshire, Netflix, and Lionsgate. I only name drop so you know the stuff I have to teach you isn’t theory, it’s been learned and tested out in the real world.

2 years ago, I began producing social media content for my fellow freelancers on TikTok and Instagram, and now between those two platforms, I’m helping nearly 400,000 freelancers everyday with practical tips. And yes, my wife and I are still out there doing proper client work every month.

I’m genuinely excited to help you get the most out of your business with this program, please let me know if you have any questions at all, you can find me on Instagram and TikTok: @TheJamieBrindle

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